Recovery Services

Preference Action Management

Stretto understands the value of efficiency in managing complex corporate-restructuring proceedings, and the importance of maintaining a level playing field amongst creditors. Our seasoned team brings streamlined workflows and subject-matter expertise to preference-action recovery and defense engagements.

Stretto’s proprietary preference platform offers real-time statistical analysis delivered through a best-in-class technology interface, enabling Plan Administrators, committees and other stakeholders to efficiently and effectively pursue/defend preference actions.

Our team provides critical statistical analysis and back-office support needed to pursue preference recoveries. Stretto’s case-management experts support professionals and their teams in settlement negotiations and mediation, and assist in collection activities. Our services include demand-letter preparation, settlement-negotiation tracking, relevant calendar maintenance and assistance with settlement or mediation discussions pertaining to relevant data analysis. Stretto also provides litigation support services to the estate and counsel, as needed.

Stretto streamlines and simplifies every aspect of preference-action management. With a client-facing dashboard, a secure and stable SQL database environment, a document/discovery repository and a built-in preference defense analysis engine, our best-in-class technology offers the most comprehensive preference action management tool in the industry.

Connect With An Expert

Stretto understands the value of efficiency in managing complex corporate-restructuring proceedings, and the importance of maintaining an even-level playing field amongst creditors in the process. Our seasoned team brings streamlined workflows and subject-matter expertise to preference-action recovery and defense engagements.

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